Get Better Grades Next Semester! Find Out How

Are you looking for a competitive edge or perhaps get out of academic probation? 

Discover and learn how you can excel in class with the help of a tutor.

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Does this sound familiar?

5 Common Reasons You Never Used a Tutor

Lack of Knowledge

Perhaps you never looked into tutoring. The more trouble you are in, the less likely you are to seek help. Discover how easy the process is to find help.

Worried About The Stigma

Are you fearful of the negative stereotype of getting a tutor? Your ego is stopping you from looking "slow" or "dumb" to peers or classmates.

You Trust Your School to Reach Your Goals

You realize that schools are a business and focus on revenue instead of comprehension. Studies reveal that 1-on-1 studies outperforms other methods.

It Costs Too Much

Its a common myth that tutoring is expensive. Its not as pricey as you think. Many tutors are priced competitively and looking to help student while making a side income. 

Your Belief System

There are plently of qualified Tutors that can help. As the wise quote states, when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Discover the easy way to find the right tutor at the right price. The guide provides you a checklist to follow.

Honestly, Are You Performing at Your Best? There's an Easier and Better Way...

Sound Familiar?

You know you can do better and excel in your class but you just can't seem to get the right answers. Perhaps, you are on the other spectrum and you are on the brink of failing or not passing your course. 

In either are terrified on your next exam and worried about your degree...

Stop cramming and procrastinating last minute only to dread the imminent failing grade

Don't kick yourself for difficulties in understanding concepts, there are different ways to gain full comprehension.

Stop relying on a classmate's notes and be the super hero of your own education

What about Tutoring Programs at My School?

COVID-19 has changed the way we study and live our lives. However, failing grades and limited access to tutoring center is a big problem. 

Most schools are limited in staffing and tutoring services.

Risks of close contact may deter you from using the Tutoring Centers

While they may be free, you still have to travel or commute to the center. Save time with remote tutoring services.

What about Private Tutoring Services?

There is a little known secret the private tutoring services is on the rise. COVID-19 was the catalyst for the digital transformation of education and learning. 

Proven system and flexible pricing options for all student budgets

86% increase of grades when tutoring services have been used.

DO you want the competitive edge to be at the top of your class?


Download The 5 REAL Reasons You Never Used a Tutor 

  • Uncover What's Stopping You from Succeeding in School
  • What Are Your Best Options and The Best Services Available
  • Get the Checklist on Choosing the Right Tutor for You

Study Smarter, Not Harder or Longer

How Tutoring Services Are Proven to Improve Your Grades and Academic Performance by 86%

STEP 1: Accepting the Truth

Get the facts on tutoring and the difference it can make for your grades. Understand that you have the power to improve yourself.

Step 2: Find Tutoring Help

Learn about all of the available resources in near you, the most common subject matter and investment to get started.

Step 3: Finding the Right Tutor

Discover how to find the perfect tutor to maximize your learning abilities and tell-tale signs that your tutor is not a good fit for you.

How It Works

Step 1: Accepting the Truth

Discover the truth. How to breakthrough and make the changes necessary to get the help you need. Help is available and its simple.

Step 2: Find Tutoring Help

Discover all of the available resources near you and remotely from the comform of your own home. Learn the most common topics and courses that tutoring services offer to students in need.

Step 3: Finding the Right Tutor

Discover how to find the perfect tutor to maximize your learning abilities and tell-tale signs that your tutor is not a good fit for you.



Join the Thousands of Students Who Easily Improved Their Grades and Got Back on Track

Download the Free Guide Today!

  • Uncover What's Stopping You from Succedding in Class
  • What Are Your Best Options and The Best Services Available
  • Get the Checklist on Choosing the Right Tutor for You
  • Discover 'Free' or Low-Cost Options If You Are On A Budget

“Great experience so far with Varsity Tutor. My personal tutor is very capable and knowledgeable and makes it easier for me to understand the material. My test grade came up 25 points after just 3 sessions.”


A 2020 VarsityTutor Student 


The team at PassCollege did pass college and created the site to address the growing need of academic support for students across the United States and aboard. We are a passionate group that want to help as many students improve their education and continue on with their endeavors. Feel free to reach out below. 

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